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Egremont Suite, Innovation Centre, Moor Row, CA24 3TP

Mascot 1 Speaking SkillsBuilder Skills


This skill is all about how to communicate effectively with others, being mindful of who we are talking to be it customers, colleagues or other stakeholders and in different settings. Initially (steps 0 – 6), this skill focuses on being able to speak clearly – first with well known individuals and small groups and then with those who are not known. At SkillsBuilder intermediate level the focus is on how individuals become an effective speaker, by making points logically, by thinking about what listeners already know and using appropriate language, tone and gesture. We hope to help students to achieve this by encouraging them to present ideas and participate in discussions to build confidence in verbal communication.

Skills Builder x MissionCX – Skills For Life 

Community Acorn Fund
We are dedicated to supporting charitable projects across Cumbria through our Acorn fund, which is managed by the Cumbria Community Foundation.

Donations are pooled together to grow the unrestricted Cumbria fund and respond to the growing needs of local communities by providing much-needed funding, year on year, to charitable organisations.
The fund helps improve the lives of disadvantaged children and families, enhances life skills, education, employability and enterprise for disadvantaged people, supports vulnerable older people, improves the health and well-being of people, and strengthens and supports fragile communities.
Community Equity
A generous portion of our equity will be held by our charitable foundation – the MissionCX Acorn Fund in association with Cumbria Community Foundation. Donations are pooled together to grow the unrestricted Cumbria fund and respond to the growing needs of local communities by providing much-needed funding, year on year, to charitable organisations. Donations are pooled together to grow the unrestricted Cumbria fund and respond to the growing needs of local communities by providing much-needed funding, year on year, to charitable organisations.
Community Profits
A generous portion of our net profits will be paid into the MissionCX Acorn Fund each year. Additionally We pledge a generous portion of our profits each year to support charitable and community initiatives. From award winning work experience programmes to help empower our communities, to sponsoring local sports clubs like Walney Rugby and Lindal Crown Bowling, we are passionate about giving back to the local communities that gave so generously to us when we needed it.
Community Time & Product
We pledge a generous portion of our staffs time and our product each year to support charitable and community initiatives. From Bake Offs to raise money for Macmillan's Cancer Charity, to volunteering at the Nuclear Industry Cumbria Branch to support our growing sectors, we are passionate about encouraging our staff to put back into the our local communities.
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