World Class Training
We are committed to training and developing the next generation of commissioning professionals.
We use a number of training techniques, including classroom, online, on-the-job, and mentoring. The extensive knowledge and experience of our senior management team allows us to carry out a competency assessment of all commissioning personnel to ensure that they are SQEP and authorised prior to deployment.
Our in-house competency management process can be utilised and linked into our commissioning software platform, i-CON to ensure the effective and efficient management of SQEP personnel.
The UK Has The Best Commissioning Capability In The World, Lets Make Sure We Keep It That Way
Countdown to Our 10 Year Anniversary
We had amazing support to many of our trusted clients & partners for WEX 2023 who we are eternally grateful. Many travelled 100s of miles and gave up a significant amount of time to provide support us in delivering an Award Winning, Record Breaking Work Experience 2023!